Project Description

For years, our neighborhoods have experienced numerous power outages and we have not been satisfied with the service PSE provides to customers. When big storms occur,  power is out sometimes up to 2 weeks for some neighbors. Bridle Trails approached the city to see if there was something we could do. This was the beginning of what the city is now calling the Electrical Reliability Study.

The city has funded a $350k study, a good value for our tax dollars. Besides improving our electrical distribution system, the project presents an opportunity for neighborhoods to unite and have a uniform voice to express concerns to the city.   We remain hopeful that if we are able to garner additional neighborhood and business support, the city may approve additional funds to expand the project.


Study Objectives and Goals — DRAFT

I. Study product to include the following:

–Nationally, define the best practices for electric service providers in areas such as system planning, operations and maintenance, technology enhancements/new technologies, cooperative agreements with agencies the utility serves, etc., that lead to a highly reliable electric system and service. Review how other municipalities have used these practices and what they did to achieve results.

–Based on the best practices work from above, assess the current and proposed future electric system in Bellevue, both infrastructure (focusing on distribution systems, including substations) and operating and maintenance practices (including system upgrades and replacement, as well as outage response, system hardening, etc.), to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement to increase reliability, grid modernization, innovation and capacity. Review ways to encourage, to provide incentives and to motivate improvements in the system. The study should include a review and analysis of PSE’s current twenty year system plan as it relates to reliability, modernization, innovation and capacity.

–As a partner with the region’s electric service provider and other entities dealing with or regulating utilities, define the role(s) that the city can play in ensuring a highly reliable electric system. Review the experience of other jurisdictions elsewhere in the country in these roles.

–Develop criteria for the city to define and measure “reliable,” and determine how it should be monitored to ensure the electric system is reliable.

II. Goals of this study are to:

–Enhance the City’s role as an informed stakeholder

–Ensure that a highly reliable electric system is built, operated and maintained

–Ensure that the electric system keeps pace with future load growth

–Enhance the relationship and collaboration between the city and PSE in all matters electrical

–Ensure an equitable rate structure

–Improve PSE’s transparency of operations

Other Energy Issues

We support safe, sensible, sustainable energy solutions for Bridle Trails